Category: Hanga | Create

Week 7 maths


in room 5 we have been learning about decimals,fractions,and percentage’s here is some of my work.



this is my work:

Good friends…

To be a good friend it is important to be very loyal and put all your trust into them,if not there won’t be a very good relationship between the two of you.

Another big thing is loyalty. Loyalty plays a big part when it comes to having a good friendship with one another. You’ve got to respect them,be kind to them and then they’ll respect you back, it’s all about being kind to one another.

A friend is someone who cares for them,someone who takes care of them,someone who doesn’t talk behind their back,someone who‘ll help them get back on their feet when down,someone who’ll help them when in need.

You can complement them even,share a biscuit with them or your chips even,the little things always count if you want a good relationship


If your friend is toxic or is really mean to you, don’t be their friend that shows that they’re over you and want to move on without you, but it also means that YOU might be the toxic one and they’re just adapting to how you are to them so then they act toxic back to you. 


Another big thing is fake friends.being a fake friend really stinks,it shows that you’re not their friend because why not it means you’re only using them for something, like lollies,money or even their food.



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